Skagit Public Utility District

8 - 5 p.m., Monday to Friday
About Us
Since 1936, Skagit PUD has been committed to providing safe and reliable utility services to meet the current and future needs of Skagit County. Skagit PUD operates the county’s largest water system, providing nine million gallons of piped water to approximately 85,000 people living in Burlington, Mount Vernon, and Sedro-Woolley.
Due to public demand for quality water, the PUD also provides service to unincorporated and remote county areas. The PUD’s service area runs from the Twin Bridges area on the county’s west side and extends east to Marblemount. From north to south, the PUD’s service area starts in Alger/Lake Samish and extends south to Conway.
Our water originates in the protected Cultus Mountain watershed area east of Clear Lake. Water from this area is piped to Judy Reservoir, which covers 148 surface acres and stores approximately 1.5 billion gallons of water. The water is then treated and filtered to meet Safe Drinking Water Act regulations using modern water treatment technologies.
Skagit PUD is a municipal corporation governed by three elected commissioners who serve six-year terms. The commissioners represent the same geographical districts as the Skagit County commissioners. The positions are non-partisan, and elections are staggered every two years.
Whether utilizing cutting-edge technologies, practicing resource management, or encouraging conservation stewardship … Public Utility District No.1 of Skagit County is committed to meeting our customers’ needs.
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